Here's the result of the first cheese photo-shoot. More pictures are definitely to come!
Bleu de Sophie:
These little blue cheeses weigh just over a kilogram each. They are now wrapped in tinfoil to keep them as moist as possible until they've been ripened long enough to be eaten (they'll be much more blue by then!). Holes are poked through the wheels to promote veining (when mold grows on the inside of the cheese).
Tomme de Gaston:
Our staple cheese. Traditional and steadfast we will age this for a minimum of 60 days, but it can be aged for longer. We've got a piece in the fridge from last season we're still eating!

Mixed rack:
Top shelf is an experiment, the orange is our first shot at a washed rind cheese (similar to Oka), and the bottom two shelves are Corsican-style basket cheeses that we'll be ripening with a natural rind.